
The Commit

A newsletter that features content from Abstract and articles from the wider design community

Intended impact: Send a monthly newsletter to subscribers to build community and goodwill with Abstract’s audience. 

Actual impact: The Commit has over 80k subscribers and consistently exceeds the 20% industry standards open rate. It’s been featured on Really Good Emails and is well-received by the design community.


A love letter to designers

The Commit newsletter is a monthly email that features content from the Abstract blog and curated content from the design community. Instead of the standard automated email with blocks of the latest content, we write a love letter to designers.

Each month, the email is aligned with a different content strategy pillar. They start with a letter from the editor that features discussion about and links to the latest trends and hot topics. 

In addition to linking our own content to drive traffic to our site, we include links to articles shared by the broader design community. Like the Abstract Overheard series, this creates goodwill with the community and encourages design thought leaders to participate in editorial and webinar content. 

I work with the brand design team on the standard email templates and design implementation for each month’s email. Additionally, I work with our Sales and Marketing Ops teams on sending the emails and tracking stats.



Content Strategy



Brand design: Daina Lightfoot and Vince Joy

Product Marketing

Sales and Marketing Ops